It is the weekend. I am tired and overworked and not feeling one iota of creativity today. So, instead of coming up with something new, I shall rehash some funny Tweets from the last week that showed up on Twitter.com.
For the uninitiated, Twitter.com is simply a way for people to shout their random thoughts to the masses. Some are mind-numbingly dull ("I rearranged my sock drawer!") while others are from celebrities, and thus, inherently interesting. Also, for the record, a lot of the celebrity Twitters are unconfirmed so there is no way to know if the person posting is the actual celebrity or just some sad, lonely person impersonating one:
NathanFillion (actor)
I did a Bungie Podcast. Listening to it now. I sound pretty good looking.
RobertKirkman (comic book writer)
Having Indian food for lunch today... And Thai food for dinner. If you don't hear from me tomorrow, I didn't make it.
whys it called nickname whos nick? shud be shaqname
I know that you need to support the baby's head or else it'll flop back. But I also know that I really want some Pez.
Occasionally, Twitter also had trending topics, such as this one where people chimed in with their humorous thoughts on First Draft Movie lines (#1stdraftmovielines) where some of cinema's most famous quotes needed to be tweaked a bit from their initial rough draft. Can you guess which movies? The answers will be at the bottom.
1) hatethedrake
Everybody puts Baby in a corner! And that's unfortunate.
2) AcidicPlague
There is no fork.
3) _victor_
If you build it, you'll need a permit first.
4) wilw (actor Will Wheaton)
The rug didn't do that much for the room, to be honest with you.
5) Montepenny
Would you say I have a superabundance of piƱatas?
6) seangunn
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war.
The answers:
1) Dirty Dancing
2) The Matrix
3) Field of Dreams
4) The Big Lebowski
5) The Three Amigos
6) The Princess Bride
1 comment:
Great stuff. love this.
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