Dear Supreme Idiot,
I recently read your so-called blog entitled “Reader Mail #1” and felt compelled to say that you are an obnoxious, offensive knuckle-dragger with an IQ less than most roadkill. I would insult you more, but you obviously suffer from copious amounts of brain damage and my words would inevitably be lost on your inert intellect.
BTFW, I have started an online petition to eradicate your blog permanently from cyber space. In the meantime, why don’t you go play in traffic, you impotent mound of bird botulism.
Clearly, you (or one of your many, many personalities) made the entire letter up and the fact that you chose a picture of Pee Wee Herman as your representation of Satan is unimaginative, cruel and immensely immature.
Anybody with half a brain (which excludes you and everyone you know, undoubtedly), knows that Satan really looks like this (see attached picture below).
Axel Rose (not the singer, but the market analyst)

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