Receiving electronic ovations from all corners of the Earth is nice, to be sure, but some people go on a little too much. For example:
Dear Scrotum Face,
A friend of mine recently requested that I try reading your blog since he believed it was the best thing since waxed dental floss. So, I clicked on the link.
Words cannot describe how it made me feel, but alas, I shall try.
As I read each sentence, I felt as if my very eyes were repeatedly raped by your worthless, pointless, damnable words.
Your illiterate ramblings forced me to unleash a tidal wave of tears as I found myself thinking that I would prefer to have a pit bull use my penis as a chew toy than to endure one more insipid observation from your pitiful unimaginative imitation of a mind.
Perhaps I could give you two words of advice: Please die.
And, hopefully, you will follow my advice as soon as humanly possible.
Donnie Darko
Here is another interesting letter I received:
Dear Dr. Montepenny,
Yesterday my shadow followed me around outside for most of the day. It simply would not leave me alone, even when I ran across the freeway during the morning rush hour screaming “Intacto! Intacto!”
At one point, I saw a screeching diesel tire run over the shadow, but the ungodly creature continued its relentless pursuit of me. Finally, around sunset, it grew tired and I managed to give it the slip. Still, I worry that it will be waiting outside for me once again tomorrow.
So, my question is: who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman?
Dear Ms. Hooker,
I am not actually a doctor, but I do appreciate when people address me thusly. Your e-mail distressed me greatly for two reason: 1) not once did you compliment me; and 2) your question was utterly absurd.
Clearly, Superman would pummel Batman before he could even blink... even if Batman held every tactical advantage and contained several hundreds of pounds of kryptonite on his person, Superman would simply fly out of reach of the kryptonite’s devastating effects. Then, he would pick up a building and drop it on the Caped Crusader, whose utility belt does not come equipped with a device that can catch a building.
Or, Superman could simply sneeze and Batman's head would instantly blow off. Either way, the fight would last approximately 2.4 seconds.
Dr. Montepenny

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