At any rate, there's an old analogy I am quite fond of that goes like this: An infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters for an infinite amount of time will eventually produce all the works of Shakespeare.
Unfortunately, my budget is considerably threadbare. I can only hire one monkey and, quite frankly, he's missing a few fingers and most of his brain so you are getting only about .002% Shakespeare. That's the best I can do. Frankly, you are quite lucky NOT TO BE reading something along the lines of "8rzejguk9i" right now.
Still, it seems that the writings on this blog have somehow generated millions and millions of comments from readers. So, instead of coming up with something new or original to write about, I'm giving the monkey the day off and will simply post some reader feedback. I am truly amazed at how positive it has been.
Dear Hopeless Heathen,
I recently read your blog about cursing (titled: WTF?!? The Speculated History of Cussing) and I must say I was shocked, mortified and spiritually disemboweled by your blatant acts of heinous sin. (I mean, really, blaming Adam for the advent of profanity!) Do you even possess a soul, you vacuous kibble-eating monstrosity of DNA.
On behalf of those who are going to Heaven, I’d just like to say that I hope you enjoy your reserved box seats in Hell, you brainless heap of regurgitated spam jelly.
Sincerely (Hoping You Rot In the Flames of Eternal Damnation),
I. M. Adeup
P.S. You truly are a testament to the dire need of birth control.
P.S.S. I took the liberty of attaching a picture of Satan himself (below) so you can begin having nightmares of him long before you are forced to be his bitch-maiden throughout Eternity.

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